I know where all my socks are…

My first step in “The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up”

The process took a bit longer than I intended because I was sick with a cold and worked much slower than I would have liked. But, maybe it was the perfect process for me…

I know where every piece of clothing is that I own. This is really unbelievable. I took the initial pile and sorted it out into types and threw three trash bags together to donate without much effort at all.

It wasn’t difficult. I knew this wouldn’t be the difficult part of the tidying up because I put so little value on clothing. I really could be in a t-shirt and shorts or jeans every warm day and a pair of fleece pants and a t-shirt every cold day and it would suit me just fine. I, however have a job that I need to dress for and have adapted the best I can to a comfort level for business casual.

As I sit here now, I know where everything is – my coat is hanging in the kitchen with my scarf and gloves. Shoes and boots are by the door. Clothing I wore yesterday and today are in a bin in the basement to be washed and all the rest are folded and hung perfectly.

I know where all my socks are…

I realized that there are some holes in my wardrobe where I will need to get some things for summer. I only have one pair of shorts that I love.

The pictures will speak for themselves. I know where my clothes are. I have accepted that this 9 square shelving is the best set up for me – better than drawers in a bureau or anything like that because if I buy something new to put in there, something has to come out. I need it to be this way.

Mornings have been so easy this week – grab the things I need and go and shower. No stress of finding anything and I have been ready earlier !




Next I move on to books. This won’t be as easy and will definitely take longer. I am looking forward to the process.