Lemon Thyme

IMG_1244 Today is the 4th of July, and, as with all holidays, there is a slowing down and appreciating of home and garden. I slept in until around 10 o’clock and then ventured into the garden.

I planted Lemon Thyme a couple of years ago in the herb spiral. This year, it has been a beautiful addition to the garden and has produced a great amount of herb and flower to dry for my personal supplies. In my experience, thyme is a delicious addition to turkey or chicken dishes, as well as my more recent discovery of Thyme as a delicious tea. As I am learning in my Herbalist course at The Herbal Academy of New England – there are many, many uses for Thyme – culinary and medicinal.


Today, just after the dew had dried off of the garden, I harvested a huge amount (for me) of Lemon Thyme. I brought it inside, washed, patted dry and hung it in bags in the basement (there is a dehumidifier) to completely dry and store for the winter.

My kitchen smells like Lemon Thyme and it’s such a beautiful aroma, that I have been researching today for other uses of Thyme. I would like to make this into soap, teas, oils, whatever I can to hold onto that lovely aroma.

I hope to have posts soon about the baby Echinacea, Anise Hyssop, Peppermint and Rosemary plants that are new to my garden this year.

I also picked some Sage to dry and will continue to pick this throughout the summer.


Until next time,