
The first day of Spring! The potential and hope of a new season of gardening. Many inches of snow still to melt, but that isn’t stopping the planning and indoor planting. We’re going to need a head start on as much as possible. In past years, we would have already started some plants in the beds, but this year, all the effort is focused indoors.

We have a plan to install a short retaining wall along a 50′ stretch of fence that will give me a 4′ x 50′ bed for herbs. I started planting herb seeds indoors a couple of weeks ago before blizzard Stella. Seedlings are mostly sprouted and doing well in our indoor greenhouse. I am mapping out where the new plants will go – and started multiples so I can plant throughout the back and front gardens.

Ashwaghanda, Astragalus, Bee Balm, Yarrow, Nettle, Echinacea, Comfrey, Tulsi, Onions, Leeks and Celeriac.



Second greenhouse arrived today so I planted Chadwick Cherry Tomatoes, Purple Plum Tomatoes, Pepperoncini, Cayenne, New England Pie Pumpkin, Hidatsa Squash, Butternut Squash, Red & Green Sweet Peppers, Common Thyme, Thai Basil, Garlic Chive, and Calendula.


So the left greenhouse is primarily plants that are either perennial or self seeding for the future. The right is primarily annual veggies with a few herbs that will be added to the herb spiral or another bed.


If you are familiar with the game Tetris…I am playing a bit of garden tetris in my mind and on paper to make all of these fit into the garden – putting the perennial plants as structures to return year after year, and leave space to companion plant the annuals for canning and storing for winter.

We are also waiting on some live plant deliveries that include many more veggies and herbs for the outdoor garden as well as several that we will be growing indoors. Arriving starting in April: Seed Potato, Onion sets, Lemon Balm, Lemon Grass, Lemon Verbena, Bay Leaf, Turmeric, Ginger, Plum Tomatoes, Rosemary, Basil and Lavender.

There is a very strong focus this year to build in plants and eventually a wildlife pond to attract birds, bees, and beneficial insects, as well as some predatory toads and frogs to balance out the slug problem.

So, today was more planting and tomorrow – if the snow melts enough I will begin the clean up to start preparing for when spring really arrives at our garden on the hill.

Happy Spring! =)