Category Archives: 2022

Canning Cranberry Juice

When the holidays are over, we are often left with the odds and ends of ingredients for the special recipes that accompany our festivities. I very clearly overestimated the amount of cranberry relish we would make!  =)   To my surprise, I found this very simple recipe for canning cranberry juice.

One of my goals in 2022 is to find the things that are seasonal, like cranberries, and preserve them for enjoying when we can’t buy them. If all goes well, I look forward to having fresh cranberry juice this spring and summer and will stock up next season for canning a lot more.

bowl of cranberries
3 bags of cranberries
1 3/4 cups into each jar (jars should be hot)
add 1/3 cup sugar
fill with boiling water – leaving 1 inch at the top – cover with lids and rings to finger tight
boil in water canner for 20 minutes
let cool 24 hours, label and store for 6 weeks before drinking.


The recipe is from Homestead Corner.