Category Archives: garden

Memory Garden

I was finally able to work on the memory garden. Between the heat and the rain of the past few weeks, there hasn’t been a good time to work with spray paint.  I had already scraped off as much as I could of the old paint and washed everything down.

before painting

I found this tub and tile paint that mostly covered the old color.

I’m happy with how it came out. St. Fiacre (the patron saint of gardeners) was a gift from a couple of my sisters for my 50th birthday. St. Francis (the patron saint of animals) is in memory of my mother in law Dolores. He was her favorite saint. The gold jack is in memory of my sister Jenna. The little dog is in memory of our Pippin. I have plans to add more to the garden as I find the right items to represent people.

With a little pruning of the jungle around the edges and some mulch, I think it’s a good beginning.