Category Archives: recipe

Freezer Apple Pie Filling & Apple Pumpkin Muffins

Apple Day!

Today’s Thanksgiving make-ahead is apple pie filling that I prepped and put in the freezer for next week. I found a simple recipe here that includes a video and instructions and will save so much time next week. You could make several of these at once and have pie filling  for the winter.

Dry ingredients in freezer bag:IMG_6960

    Apples and lemon mixed together:IMG_6962

Apples and butter added to freezer bag:

Looking through the recipes I realized we didn’t have any pumpkin pie spice – so I mixed some to use over the next few weeks. We didn’t have allspice, so I will add that to the leftover mix when we buy some.IMG_6953

I also made some apple pumpkin muffins with the leftover pumpkin from yesterday and some diced apples.

    IMG_6955   IMG_6956


I am enjoying this week of preparing – I now can’t imagine having time to actually do all of this with enough attention next week. It will be so much easier to have only to defrost the fruit fillings for the pies and bread for the stuffing. Rob takes care of cooking the turkey and sweet potatoes and I will have mashed potatoes and some other veggies, and both of us make a different stuffing. For me, it is just as much fun to cook this meal together as it will be to eat.

Tomorrow? I am not sure what I will be working on. There are several projects that need to be worked on.  I have some Christmas shopping left to do, but Thanksgiving first. =)

Until tomorrow,