The last week has been unseasonably warm. Tree leaves are budding and our fruit trees will soon have flowers. Spring brings pages of tasks that need to be done. As all gardeners know, after the foundation is prepared, there will be a long period of time of waiting and watering. The work today will bring a harvest in a few months.

We are working with a fairly small space for our garden, and today I took back a section of our back fence to build a new potato bed. I used some 12″ black edging I had to form the bed and filled it with some soil and a winter’s worth of rabbit bedding and droppings.
We were going to purchase seed potatoes but when we found that we had a drawer full of potatoes that had started to grow, I cut them in half or thirds – depending on how many places they were sprouting – and I used those to plant today. There were twenty pieces and with a little tending and some time, we will see how many pounds of potatoes this will produce.

After a winter of not working outside, I took my time today. A half hour at a time, this took me two hours to finish. The potatoes are planted about 10-12 inches deep. Once the plants emerge from the top, I will start covering them up with straw.

Now on to continue clearing up brush and preparing the other beds for planting!
Happy Spring Everyone!