Tag Archives: banana muffins

Monday, October 23rd

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On Sundays, I usually spend some time planning out the week: cooking, canning, projects, cleaning and whatever needs scheduling. My lists are all inclusive and pretty extensive and the ideal. Priorities are set and I do my best to complete what I plan.

I started by sorting, cleaning and freezing cherry tomatoes:

IMG_6736Washed & DriedIMG_6737

Two gallon bags for the freezer
IMG_6739  Extras to ripen for the next oven-dried batch

Next, I made a batch of banana muffinsIMG_6734


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The final cooking for today was a small batch of pickled carrots.
(I didn’t follow this recipe exactly)




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Other work for today included putting away laundry, cleaning the Dining Room and washing the windows, and the usual dishes, sweeping, etc. that happen in the ordinary course of the day with the mess I make. =)

This time of year there are so many indoor and outdoor projects to get done, along with the harvesting of food (still!) and the general weekly baking, cooking, and cleaning so Monday’s schedule was pretty ambitious and I wasn’t able to do everything, but I am happy with what I accomplished. Who needs a gym when you are keeping a household going?

My hope is that I will have the balance of the fall cleaning done in the next two weeks so we are prepared for winter and the holidays.

Until Tomorrow,