Day 9: Minimalism Game

Day 9:  Sweaters and Jackets…
What I kept, I wear.
winter jacket/working outside, winter jacket/dress
windbreaker, hooded sweater, long black sweater
gray hooded sweatshirt, green fleece, rain gear
black blazer
black/multi-color sweater
sweaters: green, purple, gray, red, 
black & white button up, green & navy button up
The 9 I am donating:   5 jackets and 4 sweaters
A combination of worn out and never really liked the fit of.

My only thought process was if the clothes I kept serve a purpose and are really used, 
and if I like the way they fit and the colors, etc.
The observations from this exercise? 
Jackets and coats are not the problem in my closet.
I really use the functional clothes I have.
A color palette is becoming clear: black basics with a range of autumn colors.
There are bigger piles of donations ahead! I have a definite t-shirt problem in my closet…