Finding a Miracle in the Chaos

I admit it – I have been distracted, annoyed, distant, exhausted. My creativity has been zero. And yet out of this – one moment of concern brought about an amazing thing…

Every year I try to do something during the holidays for someone in need. This year I worked with the United Way Committee at the Telegram to help with fund raisers and pledges, and a couple of weeks ago we received an email with a wish list of local agencies hoping for help with making the holidays special for the people they care for. These people work hard all year round, in real situations, to make life work for so many people.  I saw one agency on the list that is a residential home for teen girls and decided that I would do something for them.

What happened after that is my own personal Christmas miracle. I mentioned to a couple of people at work, and out, that I was planning to do a small gift for each of the girls and one by one people started to help. A special thank you to Robin and Terri for helping with everything – to make this possible.

Gifts ranged from $1.00 for each of the girls, to a gift card and plush throw for each of them. And so it began.  Where it ended was so amazing that it brings tears to my eyes each time I think of it.

Cookies and hot chocolate, pancakes and syrup, fruit and juice for Christmas Eve and Christmas morning.

A gift bag with an amazing amount of gifts. Handmade scarves, gift cards, cash, blankets, gloves, nail polish, candy, etc. etc. Everything to make a teen feel warm and special. There were also bags and bags of donations other than the gifts…

each girl received a stocking full of candy and small gifts
gift cards, wallets, t-shirts


gloves, socks and more gloves

Pretty in a gift box

Stockings, cookies and more!

Each of the 10 girls received one of these bags 

Extra donations – other than gifts

The generosity of my coworkers and family and friends is overwhelming.

The lives of the ten girls that received these gifts, the workers that live with them, and I think, all of us that contributed – are changed.  It is amazing how everyone giving just a little, can change us all.

I am changed, my heart is larger, and I am seeing clearly in the chaos that surrounds the day to day.

I see clearly again what truly matters. Not just at Christmas, but every day…we desperately need each other, and in so many more ways than we can even think of or understand.

When my kids were little they would ask me if there was a Santa Claus, and I would repeat to them every year, and still repeat “there are gifts under our tree every year that we don’t buy – there is absolutely a Santa Claus”.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year – may we all find our miracles as we need them.