Adventure: Quaboag Book Shop

A couple of weeks ago we went to West Brookfield to Quaboag Book Shop. There were so many books I could have spent a day in each section. I am on the lookout for a few specific categories of books, but this day I was looking for old fairy tales and fables. It was hard to choose because there were so many I wanted to bring home. However, we need to keep some room in our house for us.  These are the two I chose:

This book was published in 1964 and includes woodcut art printing for the stories and the moral with each is printed in red ink. Remember when stories had morals?


this is a charming book of nursery rhymes published in 1927


I also asked for the Gnome Book. That was all I had to say and he knew exactly what I was talking about…

Published in 1976, this very informative and charming book will assist in understanding all there is to know about Gnomes.

I remember this book from my childhood library. I also remember it being a lot larger, but it turns out that I was much smaller then.  It is a talisman of sorts back to North Brookfield and our librarian, Mrs. Wheeler, who was one of the kindest women I have ever met. This is a book that our personal library needed to have and  having it in my hands again reminded me of simpler times where a new book at the library could open up worlds of adventures.

If you know us at all, you will know that we are fond of gnomes and elves, or elves and gnomes, depending on which of us you ask. =)
This book brings us a lot of happiness.

I look forward to wandering up Route 9 to the book shop again and getting lost in another section or two and bringing home the treasures of the past.

“To my amazement I have heard that there are people who have never seen a gnome. I can’t help pitying these people. I am certain there must be something wrong with their eyesight.” ~ Axel Munthe