Category Archives: recipe

Chocolate Covered Oreos

One of my nieces turned two a couple of weekends ago and I wanted to bring a fun snack for the party.  This is a super easy way to make a fancy-looking snack.

I used two 12 oz. packages of semi-sweet chocolate chips
and 2 Tablespoons of Crisco.


I Melted the chocolate and oil in a double boiler.


Just a tip – have everything all set up to go:
cookie racks with paper towels – so the chocolate drips through, cookies and sprinkles – all near each other to minimize the chocolate dripping everywhere    =)


Dip the cookies into the chocolate and place on the rack.  I used a large spoon and a fork to coat the cookies with chocolate.  Sprinkle candies on before the chocolate hardens.


I had two batches of cookies – one for company at my house – that I placed on a plate,  and the second batch I put into small cellophane bags with ribbon for the birthday party.

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A small wire basket made a perfect container to serve the cookies.
With all of the other delicious snacks at the party, everyone could just take a cookie home with them to enjoy later. My quest is to find a good gluten-free cookie to use to revamp this and make it healthier.
