Tag Archives: tomato

Repotting Tomatoes and Peppers

Repotting plants is a great excuse to play in the dirt =)

The peppers and tomatoes are ready for repotting. The weather is still fairly cool, and it will probably be several weeks before it is consistently warm enough for them to be planted out, so I wanted to give them some extra space to grow indoors.

I needed something small and easy to move around the house that could act as a mini greenhouse.  These clear storage bins are the perfect solution. The styrofoam trays are recycled from a purchase of glassware and the plants seem to do well and get enough light.

clear small storage container used as greenhouse
Indoor “greenhouse”


Bag of organic potting soil
Organic Potting soil


Outdoor workstation for potting plants
First time using the outdoor sink!


Tomato seedlings ready for repotting
Plum Tomato seedlings ready for bigger pots


Repotted Tomato seedlings
Bigger pots ready for a few more weeks growing inside

I also repotted the Cozumel peppers and cherry tomatoes, burying the taller plants so they can establish more roots and will develop stronger stems. The plum tomatoes and pepper seeds are from plants we grew last year. I fermented the seeds, dried them, and stored them to plant this year.  All of them grew and the plants seem healthy.  More than enough plants for us, and a few to share.

The setup so far:

There are some flowers started, golden cherry tomatoes, and several different herbs that are still small and will be planted out when the weather is warmer.